Make Money On Fiverr does not request or store your personal information. Anyone contacting you claiming to be from this website and asking for passwords, financial information, or home addresses should be immediately blocked and reported to the proper authorities.
We have no user logins at Make Money On Fiverr and there are no tiered levels of access other than 'user' through the normal website. Any additional services offered will be entirely external, and you should examine the policies of those external sites for more information on how they handle your private data.
Fiverr will be able to tell that you visited this site if you use any of the affiliate links, but none of your private information outside of some kind of tracking number or ID generated by Fiverr will be relayed back to this site.
There is no external third party advertising on this site save for links to Fiverr, so there should not be any ad trackers other than those that Fiverr uses to track affiliate activities. Links to Bill Ricardi's professional website are for informational purposes only, and no personal information will be transmitted between this site and other than a record of your anonymous session clicking on the link itself.
This site is meant to be accessed with a standard, secure web browser. We are not responsible for your software setup, nor anything that your system broadcasts or leaks. In short: We don't want your personal information broadcast to us, and if we discover any then it will be deleted from our side. We're not in the business of taking, storing, or processing personal information, so do not volunteer any of it to us.
Should you wish to use the E-mail links at the bottom of each page, understand that it is a standard E-mail conversation. You should never proactively provide any personal, financial, or authenticating information via E-mail - and we won't be asking for anything beyond what's needed in our role as freelancers.
To sum up: We don't collect your personal information at Make Money On Fiverr beyond the affiliate links we share with Fiverr, and we don't ever want to start. Please be careful when using any third party websites or services linked from this site.